MR. Riegillio x Ecocart
By partnering with EcoCart, we aim for a climate-neutral approach to contribute to a greener world by offsetting the CO2 emitted during the delivery of your gear. This way, we can work together on reducing the carbon and protecting hectares of wetland by planting trees and supporting the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, EcoCart's offsetting project in Indonesian Borneo.
Previously, we partnered with Regreener with amazing achievements. You can read about our impacts with Regreener here.

Who is ECOcart and what is their mission in BORNEO?
The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Project, an initiative by InfiniteEARTH, aims to reduce Indonesia’s emissions by preserving some 64,000 hectares of tropical peat swamp forest.
This area, rich in biodiversity including the endangered Bornean orangutan, was slated by the Provincial government to be converted into four palm oil estates.
Located on the southern coast of Borneo in the province of Central Kalimantan, the project is also designed to protect the integrity of the adjacent world-renowned Tanjung Puting National Park, by creating a physical buffer zone on the full extent of the ~90km eastern border of the park.

WHAT are the benefits?
-> The project protects critical lands from future deforestation.
-> It provides protection for thousands of different species of plants and animals by protecting the land they live on.
-> It fosters community engagement in the protection of these lands and animals by getting local community members involved in the conservation efforts.
-> The project improves harvestry practices that help increase crop output without clearing any additional forest that would previously be needed to supply more land.

Once you reached the checkout, you will have the possibility to tick the box Carbon Neutral Order. This way, you will offset the CO2 emissions of your order by supporting EcoCart's offsetting project. EcoCart will automatically calculate the amount it costs to make your order carbon neutral. This is based on your location and the weight of your order. The funds will go directly to EcoCart, supporting the offsetting initiatives of the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve.
*This product cannot be exchanged or refunded. Terms apply:
Want to know more?
If you have any questions about our Suskinkability initiatives, feel free to read more in our Corporate Social Responsibility Report or send us a mail via