PRIDE 2024
Summer has arrived(in the northern 🌍) and that can only mean one thing: 🏳️🌈 PRIDE Season🏳️🌈 – AND you better have your party pants on, because the PRIDE Festivals are quite the circuit. House of Riegillio has created a brightly-colored PRIDE collection for your 2024 celebrations!
PRIDE means different things to different LGBTQIA+ people and it can be very personal, but generally speaking it’s a celebration of our communities and a continuing journey toward acceptance, visibility, equal rights (including acknowledgement of same-sex marriage) and greater integration into cultures/societies as a whole. We’ve made great strides in recent years…but we have much progress yet to achieve, PARTICULARLY on behalf of those living with less access, rights and acceptance in their communities. WE. SEE. YOU!!!
The festival and celebrations take many forms and incorporate local cultures with the diversity and inclusivity our wonderful communities are known for. Imagine a beautiful gathering of hundreds, thousands or HUNDREDS of thousands of party revelers…fighting for visibility, equality and inclusion…while having a spectacular time, celebrating their individuality AND shared experiences! LGBTQIA+ from every corner of the earth, all ages, kinksters and families alike - dressed in colors and codes as diverse as the rainbow…it is awe inspiring, affirming and radical!
The first PRIDE was a RIOT, literally! On June 28, 1969 police raided The Stonewall Inn at 53 Christopher Street, a gay bar in NYC. They DEFINITELY got more than they bargained for, instead of harassing and arresting the clientele…the clientele turned on the police and the Stonewall Riot continued for days. One year later, on the anniversary, the first gay liberation/PRIDE march happened…and the rest is history. The gay liberation movement was born–marginalized queer communities have been protesting and celebrating ever since.
Honoring the massive contributions from our courageous(and ferocious) elders while celebrating the freedoms and rights we enjoy today is the essence of PRIDE season. How can we continue their work joyously, when possible, and stand staunchly TOGETHER when necessary? This is our legacy, challenge and charge! How can your actions contribute to the freedom, safety and inclusion of others?