The Myth, The Legend…The Name
Over the past 5 years, the team at MR. Riegillio has been working tirelessly to bring you the absolute best gear in the realm of fetish fashion. We align with our fans and followers by supporting our worldwide community of kinksters online and at exhilarating fetish community events. Our passion for creating innovative and inclusive collections of fetish-forward fashion goes well beyond our iconic web shop!
Everyone’s talking about the biggest name in fetish fashion…but how are they saying it??!!
During the excitement of the Grand Opening of our first brick-and-mortar store in the heart of Amsterdam, we took a video crew to the streets to get some hot takes on our…PRONUNCIATION!!!(?)
Since so many in our beloved community have only had interactions with our brand online, we also included some wonderful video submissions from around the globe to hear their own interpretation of our brand name. (One thing we learned: Whether you’re using a hard ‘G’ a soft ‘G’....English ‘G’ or even a Dutch ‘G’...it’s always MR. loud and clear)
Whoever you love and however you say it, we love hearing from you!!! Click here for the video!
XXXO MR. Riegillio