Grüner Punkt
If you are from Europe, and especially from Germany, you definitely came across this logo before - the famous Grüner Punkt. And we are proud to announce that we are certified as we comply with the German Packaging Act, which recognizes our contributions towards climate protection through our recycling activities.

system for
end-consumer oriented and
high-quality recycling
If you are from Europe, and especially from Germany, you definitely came across this logo before - the famous Grüner Punkt. And we are proud to announce that we are certified as we comply with the German Packaging Act, which recognizes our contributions towards climate protection through our recycling activities. The German Packaging Act (VerpackG) was established in 2019 and obliges manufacturers, traders and online retailers who place packaging for private end use on the German market, to participate in the dual system for their sales packaging.
Since 1990, Der Grüne Punkt has built up and organized the world’s first dual system for end-consumer-oriented and high-quality recycling of used sales packaging. We are customer of Der Grüne Punkt and registered at LUCID Packaging Register of the ZSVR (The Central Packaging Register).With this logo, we show that we are a customer of Grüner Punkt and thus comply to fulfill our obligations to participate in the system in accordance with the Packaging Act.
In addition, we disclose our Participation Certificate, confirming proper participation of our packaging within the framework of the Packaging Act, as well as our Certificate of Environment, indicating our contributions to climate protection by participation in the dual system for recycling of sales packaging in our Sustainability Report, where you can also learn more about our other suskinkable initiatives.
If you have any questions about our Suskinkability initiatives, feel free to read more in our Corporate Social Responsibility Report or send us a mail via